a tool for collaging thoughts
read on to find out what domino is trying to do and why it was created
technical details
read on for information about how domino is made
read on to find out planned features for domino
you can contact me on twitter, mastodon, or email
how to use
read on for details of how to make your own boards
for ease of distribution, i think it's essential that tools export to a single standalone html file (when possible)
source code
the source code and build scripts for domino are available on github
if you have and feedback, especially bug reports, please do contact me
domino is attempting to be a tool i can use to collage thought fragments in a presentable way
everything is a single standalone html file that makes a copy of itself when you export a project
closing the editor doesn't seem to work in firefox mobile, but i don't have any way to debug thisβhelp?
domino 2
i have released a revamped version of domino
i'm using pug to generate the html so i can edit the scripts/style/etc separately rather than in one long html file
mobile support
mobile technically works, but the user experience isn't great
i have no access to macOS or iOS so reports, particularly about bugs on safari, are appreciated
usually i make my tools in typescript via create-react-app (without react)βdoing it raw (and now via pug) has been surprisingly easy
double click on a card to jump to it
click and drag to move around freely
would like to add free zooming by mouse wheel and pinching now that zoom is supported
this page is both an exported domino project and the domino editor
"domino" because putting thoughts with something in common adjacent to each other reminded me of matching dominoes
what if you could drop cards into am intermediate holding area then drag them back out where you want them?
you can customise the styling of the board by editing the css of your export
i like the idea that just by distributing an export you're also distributing the tool for someone to create their own
it's supposed to be kinda like a mind map, but with all links implied by proximity
moving cards
i probably need to add some more powerful tools for moving cards around
send me links to domino out in the wild!
domino is a board of hand-placed cards
click the home icon π to return to the center of the board
moving through larger boards
you can only move one card at once, and you can only move it to somewhere you can see
blog post
read more about the inspiration and goals of domino on my blog
this has some side-effects on how users get access to updates
that exported board is now an editor that makes boards in your customised style
blog post
a self-replicating and mutating tool?
artificial intelligence is a fake idea
moving around and reading a domino board
i need to clean up the html/css/javascript now things are solidifyingβwant it to be robust straight forward to modify
when unlocked, navigation behaviour changes: double clicking cards opens the editor, and cards become draggable
if the toolbar at the bottom of the screen shows π, the board is locked to prevent accidental editing. click it to π to allow editing
users?βor participants in a software ecosystem?
card icons are intended to be emoji, but...
i've largely cleaned up the css, so i welcome any feedback on how i could make it clearer for modding
you can hyperlink to another card by using the coordinates like #3,-7 (check the url bar)
sometimes you really do want to write a linear block of textβwhat if cards could contain a larger post that can be expanded?
domino is released as a single domino board (this one). to update a local copy, you simply replace it with a copy of this board
extra structure
thinking about extra structure beyond layout cards on a grid
every exported board is a backup of the specific editor version used to create it
exporting a copy every time you want to save is kinda annoying
keyboard shortcuts are listed in the "HOW TO" tab in the π¨ menu
some emoji seem to get rendered as text instead of emoji...
click and drag to move cards around the board (moving to free spaces or swapping with an existing card)
different platforms support different emoji and users can't be certain that the icon they choose will be visible to someone else
experimentally, i now support both dragging in and pasting images
but any changes you have made will need to be reapplied again manuallyβ'merged' in software parlance
i'm concerned about file size, so i heavily compress the imagesβkinda like low tech magazine
is export/import downloaded html file actually fine?
experimenting with an iframe
in icons: