a tool for drawing and assembling graphical hypertext games
{+wvy}wavey text{-wvy} and {+shk}shakey text{-shk}
{clr=red}red text{-clr} and {clr=#FF00FF}magenta text{-clr}
{delay=.25}slow text{-delay} and {+r}revealed text{-r}
in flicksy2 you can script objects using javascript. it's easiest to use the provided commands but you can do anything
SCENE the reference id of this scene
OBJECT the reference id of this object
SAY("SOME TEXT") queue dialogue
LOG("SOME TEXT") put a line of text in the playtest log, to help debug
HIDE("object reference") hide the referenced object, making it invisible and unclickable
SHOW("object reference") unhide the referenced object
SET("variable name", "value") set a new or existing variable to some value. numbers, reference ids, dialogue, etc all allowed
GET("variable name") get the value of a previous set variable. use this is conjunction with an if statement to do conditional scripting
TRANSFORM("object reference", "drawing reference") change an object's drawing
TRAVEL("scene reference") switch to a new scene
await DIALOGUE wait until there is no dialogue on screen
await DELAY(.5) wait for some number of seconds
the default behaviour of an object is as follows:
await SAY("text from the dialogue editor")
TRAVEL("scene reference of destination scene")
you can do things conditionally depending on the value of variables, using javascript's if statements:
if (GET("coins") == 3) {
SAY("three coins")
} else if (GET("coins") > 3) {
SAY("so many coins..")
} else {
SAY("get more coins")
pick an item for use elsewhere